Monday, June 29, 2009


Yesterday K, B and I went to Freedom and Faith at our church. We had a great time. Being with all our great friends from Sunday School and their children was a blast. Katelynn had a really good time. She is trying to crawl and loves standing up so she wore me out!! She did OK when the fireworks first started but not too far in one was very loud and it really scared her. So K and I left and sat in the truck until it was over and then headed for home. It was a pretty good night.

Photo Gallery

The photo gallery for Katelynn's 6 month shoot is up. But only until July 1st, so check it out if you like.....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day....

K and I have spent a wonderful Father's Day with Brian. We grilled out, went swimming, took naps, and played!! Katelynn gave Brian boots for Father's Day. (Yes, that is what he wanted.)

We had lunch yesterday with B's family. It was good times. Today, the three of us just spent time together. Brian and K got in her pool and now they are trying to nap in the BIG chair. Happy Father's Day!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"It's Been Too Long" Tuesday......

OK, so I know I need to post more often. Little K is changing so much everyday and you all need to see that. But, as I said before, she is changing everyday and we are having so much fun, sometimes I forget to post (or am just a little too busy!). Well, Sunday was her 7 month birthday!! She has changed so much in the past four weeks. We can sit all by ourself. We can even keep from falling over when we stretch too far to get a toy or turn around to see what the noise behind us is. We don't have too many of the toppling backward moments. Now, the face plants, we still have tons of these. And this is mainly because K is trying to pull herself up now. Anything she can get a hold of, she tries to pull up to her feet. We can get to our knees, but that is just not good enough. Nope, it's all or nothing for Katelynn.  Solids are going great. She loves just about everything I give her, except avocados.  She doesn't much care for these. So I decided since she practically wasted an entire avocado, we'd do facials. You're never too young, right?
I promise I will try and post more often.  Oh, congrats to my friend M!! Baby G born June 8. Such a beautiful beautiful babe!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wonderful Weekend....

Well, what can I say, we had a WONDERFUL weekend!! Saturday morning we all got up, some a little later than others (ahem... just kidding), and went to the Edmond Farmer's Market. Here is a pic of K before we headed out. And yes!! That is a bow in her HAIR! (OK, it didn't stay in for long, but darn it, it was in there.) 
It was the first time we had been and it was very nice. They had some wonderful veggies, lots of fruits, baked breads, jams, butter, salsa, BBQ and flowers. (Brian loved the flowers. We might have even found him another Father's Day gift, we'll see.) We purchased a couple pounds of blackberries and then headed home. K and I then took a short trip to K-town to visit G-ma Trudy and Nanaw Mickie while Brian mowed the yard and transplanted the flowers we bought at Edmond Feed. We had plans Saturday evening to go to a cookout that some really good friends were having. So I set off to make a Blackberry Cobbler. I did and it was pretty good. We then went to the BBQ where Brian and a few others went swimming at the neighborhood pool. K and I decided to sit by the pool in the shade. We headed back to their house and had an amazing dinner outside on their patio. This has left me feeling we NEED a nice patio set for the backyard. (It would never get used because it is too hot outside since we have no trees in the backyard which then leads me to believe we NEED some trees in our backyard.... it is a vicious cycle!!) We got home a little late that evening, so Sunday morning K and I stayed home from church to try and work in a much needed nap that didn't happen. But who could blame her, it was beautiful and she had so many toys that needed to be played with. After a visit from Lolli and Pop, K went down for that nap and almost 2 hours later we had to wake her up because we had to be up at church to help out with our Sunday School missional project. Then it was home and bed!! I think we will be visiting the farmer's Market quite a bit throughout the summer and hopefully attend a few more BBQs. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fabulously Frugal

or Frugally Fabulous, I'm not sure which but that is what I am trying to be. With the help from my dear friend Sarah, I am trying to save some dough!! She was telling me about the "game" she plays one Sunday morning while we were both in the hall outside our Sunday School room trying to quiet our two beautiful babes. She plays the CVS and Wags (Walgreens) game. You sign up for cards and then buy items on sale and earn extra bucks that can go towards future purchases. Sarah told me stories where she walked out of the stores with quite a few items and they actually owed her money. To say the least, I was intrigued. I signed up for my CVS card the next day (have yet to receive it). Needless to say, I kinda fizzeled out on the whole thing until the next week at our social some of the families were saying how they have a $200 budget, some even have a $150 budget, for groceries PER MONTH! I can spend that in 2 weeks. I knew I needed to do something. So I sat down and started my coupon binder. The very next morning I received an invite to Sarah's blog "Lifestyles of the Frugal and Fabulous." This blog is just that, FABULOUS!!!! It is addictive. I had to get my coupon stash built up and I have finally acheived that. So last week I decided to try it out. I went to Wal-Mart and saved $11.80. I thought that was great. That was until I did a little more research. That was small taters. S tries not to pay full price for anything (except maybe meat and milk), that is her goal. I have yet to "map"out my grocery shopping trip. I have realized that is what I am going to have to do, no more quick trips to the grocery store. I stopped by Homeland today and received my rewards card and am ready for double coupons!! I made a trip to Target and Wal-Mart both today with coupons in hand. I saved $14.89. (Of course, I spent $12 of that on an impulse buy, but K needed some shorts!) So, so far I have saved $14.69. (I need a new hair straightner and have told myself I cannot buy it until I save the $70 I'd spend on it.) After that, all the savings are going into a VACATION FUND (my little girl needs to see Mickey Mouse!!) It is actually fun, but I really hope it proves to be beneficial in the long run. I keep telling S she needs to have a "workshop" and if she finally agrees, I will defnitley let you know when and where. OH, and just for giggles....cause I know this is why you all check my blog. God is good!