Sunday morning Brian and I packed up Katelynn and we were off to Okarche. Grandpa B (my dad) has some cattle and he wanted to introduce K to a particularly sweet cow that he has had for 12 years or so. For the first (and definitely not last) time K was loaded up in the truck and we went to pick up the feed and then we were off to the land we have that we call "Down South". K loved the ride to the farm and when she saw all the cows surround the truck she got a little excited. Dad put out the feed cubes and we waited until everything calmed down a bit and then it was time to introduce Katelynn

to the cow.
Dad gave K a cube of food and we tried to get her to feed the cow, heck the cow came right up to her and she tried to get the cube out of K's hand, but little Miss K was not letting go!! The cow kept licking at K's hand but that cube of food was not going any where. (We actually had to take it home with us. And it was one of the first things she grabbed this morning, I should have tossed it last night when I had the chance. Will remember that next time.)
After we feed the cows Katelynn got to hang out in the back of Grandpa B's pick up truck. She found lots of "toys" to play

with but seemed to like banging on a bucket and the sides of the truck with Grandpa the best!!
We had a great day at the farm with Grandma and Grandpa B. We know there will be lots more days just like this one and I am so happy that Katelynn will get to experience some of the same things that I did when I was little. Some of my best memories are on my Grandparent's farm with my brothers and my cousins. I hope K will one day realize what a truly blessed and lucky little girl she is to have so many people that love her. We headed back home and K crashed as soon as we got her in the car. She had a feed cube in one hand, my dad's hat in the other and I have a feeling I know exactly what she was dreaming about!
Thanks Daddy for a great day. We all had a blast!!