Well, this Christmas was so much fun!! Katelynn is understanding Christmas more and more. She wasn't too sure about Santa this year so we didn't have our pictures taken with him but she was enamored with the Baby Jesus. Baby Jesus was out of the nativity scene more than he was in it. He was wrapped in a blanket, put into the swing and I believe once I was told he had a dirty diaper. (I just didn't feel right changing the Baby Jesus' diaper, though.) Christmas morning Katelynn informed us it was Baby Jesus' birthday so we had to sing happy birthday to him. I think that might have to be one of our traditions. Katelynn loved opening the gifts and she loved being able to see all of her family. My little brother was here from Chicago and Brian's sisters were in town from Tulsa and Dallas so Katelynn got to see EVERYONE!!
We woke up Christmas Eve morning and made cookies for Santa. We had so much fun doing that. K kept sneaking bits of dough but Aubrey was an angel.
Christmas Morning it was just the three of us for a bit. Aubrey decided to sleep in and we let her. It is her first Christmas and she gets to pick what she wants to do and the girl wanted to sleep!!
Katelynn was excited to see her gift from Santa and she really liked her stocking but was not too happy to find out that Santa had eaten some of "her" cookies. She kept looking at the plate of half eaten cookies saying "He ate my cookies!" Next year I will have to be a bit more clear on why we are making cookies.
I am already looking forward to next year. More cookies, more fudge, more presents, more traditions, more memories and two little girls running around and making us smile. That means matching pjs, matching pigtails and another voice singing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas morning. I love my life!!