Saturday was a perfect day to go to the park!
The girls woke up around 7:00 am and we got up and made french toast (yummy!) and then got everyone bathed. (A bath is the normal next step after french toast. It's all that syrup!)
We were getting up and getting dressed when Katelynn said "I wanna go to the park!"
We had been planning on a trek to Okarche, but decided why spend that time in the car when we could be at the park. So we put off the Okarche trip and headed down the street.
I knew the park would be packed! We have quite a few kids in the neighborhood and there is ALWAYS someone at the park. It is never a problem unless someone is already in "Katelynn's Swing."
We turned the corner to get to the greenbelt and to the park and viola! No one! It was just going to be us. FUN!!
We started off on the swing, of course. Katelynn saying "faster!faster!" And I would push her higher, testing her limits, seeing how high she really wanted to go. Needless to say, I chickened out before Katelynn did. I finally talked her out of her swing, telling her it wasn't fair that Aubrey had to sit in the wagon. So we went over to the other playground equipment that is for the smaller kids. Katelynn is fearless! She jumped on the motorcycle, the butterfly and then headed for the jungle gym.
That girl LOVES the park. She pointed out airplanes that flew over and was pretty excited when she heard, then saw a firetruck race by.
Aubrey went down a couple of slides and was then content to sit at the end of a tunnel and wait for Katelynn to pass through.

Before we headed home for lunch, we had to make on more stop by the swing set.

Weather isn't looking too great for the next couple of days, so I hope this trip to the park will keep K and A content for a while.
I am so ready for Spring to arrive. I love Saturdays in the park with my hubs and my girls!