That is what we have been here! We have been celebrating Summer, celebrating Father's Day, celebrating a new member of the family!! Great times.
Father's Day was a good day.
We all went swimming on Saturday (well, we ALL were going to go swimming but I forgot my suit and Aubrey had a bit of diaper rash, so we kept her dry, for most of the day.) Katelynn is really getting the hang of swimming. She is not intimidated by the water at all. We need to get her started on swimming lessons. That is on my To Do List.
On the "blue boat".
Jumping from the step.
Aubrey got in for a few minutes at the end of the day. Here is her signature "head jerk" that she does when she is not happy with whatever situation she is in.
On Father's Day we had a big breakfast with our Sunday School class and then lunch with Lolli and Pop. Once we got home Katelynn and I made cupcakes for VBS at the church this week. I got to use my Mother's Day gift so I was super pumped!!
I {heart} this!!
We made red, white & blue cupcakes since the VBS theme is associated with I Heart NY.
And we wanted to try out a new white cake mix recipe.
And if that wasn't enough for this week, Tuesday at 6:00 pm we got to meet the newest member of our family, Noah Matthew!!
Angela texted me at 5:45 Tuesday morning to tell me they had been at the hospital since 3:00 am and she was progressing and she could not get my brother, Paul, to answer his phone! (He is in Mississippi waiting to be deployed to Afghanistan.) Paul finally got word to call his wife, she was in labor, so he did. He hopped on a plane and flew to Oklahoma.
Picture of Paul walking in to the hospital room and seeing Angela for the first time since March, I think. (Note the time!)
Paul and my Sister-in-Law, isn't she gorgeous!!
Once Paul arrived at the hospital, we all said our hellos and Katelynn got a big ol' hug from Uncle Paul and then we headed out to the hallway. That was at 5:40. At 6:00 pm we heard a baby crying! And Noah was here!! 6 lbs 15 oz, 6:00 pm on June 21, 2011

Sorry it is blurry, but it was taken with my phone.
We had all prayed that Paul would make it home for the birth. Angela worried about it and blamed herself for weeks. I always told her everything would work out. And it did!!!!!! God is GREAT!!!
I am so happy my Big Brother is finally a Daddy!! He is going to be the best!!
Congrats Paul and Angela. We love you!!