Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I love this app on my phone.

I love having a camera right there when I need it. (Let's be honest, my phone is never far from my person.)
And I love being able to follow family that is near or far away and have the opportunity to keep tabs on everyone through photos.

Here are some of my recent Instagram Pics:

She is a Bathing Beauty!

Running the Color Run with my Best Friend

Sleeping Baby

On vacation with the Hubs

Reading the "paper" outside with Pop


Shot of my computer screen. Reminiscing....

Can't be the sam baby, can it?

Katelynn loves to pose for the am era. Even Aubrey thinks it's weird.

Straightened Aubrey's hair

Kiki's drawign of Belle

First time to have Oreos and milk.
"Tastes just like ice cream."

That is one tired little girl

I found Waldo!!

Aubrey eats her chocolate in the refrigerator so it doesn't melt

Katelynn at the ice capades

Aubrey eating her $10 bucket of popcorn

Little Angels

Noah Matthew!!

If you are on Instagram you can follow me at jorae818.

First Day of School 2012

Aubrey's 2nd Birthday

So this is so late......
But here it is.

Aubrey turned 2 on August 23rd! I cannot believe it has been 2 years.
She is such a big girl.

Unfortunately she had her 2 Year Wellness check up on her actual Birthday and that consisted of getting shots so I thought she deserved a special treat that morning.

So it was donuts in the park with Sister!! Well, sort of the park. Unbeknownst to me the  park was under construction, so we had donuts on the basketball court. Hey, they didn't care.

The is was off to see Dr. Krous where he said Aubrey looks great, tiny, but great.
She was 20 pounds. Still not on the growth chart but healthy!!

I took off work so he just hung out for the rest of the day. Watched whatever Aubrey wanted to watch (Mostly Fresh Beat Band and Little Einsteins) and played whatever she wanted to play (mostly "my baby is sleeping and I talking to bofriend (boyfriend) on the whone (phone))

For dinner we had a special GiGi's cupcake!!

(we had been practising blowing out the candle all week and each time after she blows it out, she'd do a little cough like the smoke was just too much.)

The following Saturday we had the Birthday Party.
This year A's theme was Circus!!

So daddy listened to Mommy's ideas and then worked his booty off creating a Circus Tent inside the house. He did a great job and even tolerated the occasional, "I hate to be a bother but could you switch that, or change that or just re-do it!!"

Not sure why my pictures were so dark but you get the idea.

We had BBQ catered and vanilla cupcakes and Aunt Melissa brought Eileen's Cookies.

It was delicious!  Then it was outside for some entertainment!!

The water slide was a HUGE hit. Unfortunately that was the one and only time we played on it this summer. Oh well, we dried it out and packed it up so it will be ready next year!

I didn't get pictures but towards the end Daddy went down it, while wearing his clothes. =)

Happy 2nd Birthday, Aubrey Girl!

We all love you so much and cannot wait to celebrate another year with you.
You are a sweet little lady with a spunky attitude that is going to take you places.

I love you more than you will EVER know.

Mother's Day Out

OK, so I missed out on an entire month!! The last month of Summer! Aubrey's Birthday Month!
I will try to catch up later but right now I will try to update you on Aubrey's Adventures in Mother's Day Out!!

Katelynn loved "school". We have rarely had a problem with her. In fact, I cried more the first day I dropped her off than she ever has. (OK, I had just had Aubrey and the hormones they were a'racin', but still!)

Aubrey, well, she's a different story. She does not like school. At all!
We drive by the building and she starts saying "No school. No Miss Tamra. No Miss Kelle."

Bad part, Miss Tamra and Miss Kelle are saints! Wonderful, wonderful ladies.
Worse part, "school" is at our Church so this behavior continues every Sunday morning.

Have I mentioned how amazing Aubrey's teachers are? Miss Kelle, Patron Saint of Coloring with My Crying Child, and Miss Tamra, Patron Saint of Taking the Screaming and Kicking Child Out of My Arms so I can Escape. (that's the Catholic in me making a come back)

They are truly amazing ladies.

And to calm me Miss Tamra sends me random pictures at random times so I know Aubrey is doing OK, (see, how sweet is that?) or maybe it is so I know that Aubrey hasn't completely disrupted the class and I do not need to swoop in and rescue them from My Lobster.

Here are some of the wonderful and reassuring pictures I have been sent over the past few weeks.

There she is! That is Miss Tamra and my Aubster on her first day!!

A little later on and Aubrey was playing with all the toys.

A's squishy face smile. (We worked on her smile before our family pictures. We didn't want this face, be it adorable, in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE.

Here she is with one of her new friends

She was thinking about being happy, but decided to go with serious instead. Hey, no tears so I am happy!

Here's a happy girl. Of course, she's happy, she's making a mess with shaving cream!

Aubrey rolling out play doh with corn. Miss Tamra said she loved shucking the corn.

Here is today's picture. This morning was an especially difficult day. She DID NOT want to go to school. There were tears, lots of "No"s, and even some punches were thrown.
But she ran into Big Sister Katelynn out on the playground and hung out with the older girls for a little while. 

I thought by this time she would really start enjoying school, but not yet. Oh well, we'll give her some more time. She's just a little girl, right?

Next step, losing the bah. (Her pacifier) I have a feeling she will start Kindergarten with that thing. And don't even get me started on the potty training issues.  Whoever said that your children will be completely different knew exactly what they were talking about.

My girls could not be more different, but I would not change that for anything in the world!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Little Monsters

Here are my scary little monsters. I love them!!

Friday, July 13, 2012


OK, this should do it for the catching up portion of the blog.

Hopefully there will not be such a large amount of time in between posts again, but I'm not promising that.

The girls were very excited about the whole Thunder Playoffs. Daddy watched the games and I yelled at the television so they couldn't help but take notice.

We even Thunder'd Up!!

Katelynn LOVES her Kevin Durant shirt. She always asks me questions about "KD Durant". She even picked out a prairie dog at the Zoo that she named Kevin Durant. They also love pointing out Thunder Flags on cars while were driving. And let me tell you, I never knew how many cars in Edmond had Thunder Flags until we started playing this little game!!  Aubrey is Mr. James Hardin. Why you ask, because she "Fears the Beard"!! =)

We have been having fun with the sidewalk chalk again this year. We are actually needing to buy more already. And it has nothing to do with the fact that we may or may not have left it outside in the rain without the lid on it. It is pretty neat drawing with slightly damp chalk though. The colors are really vibrant!!


We have also been trying to go to the Farmer's Market a little more this summer.  If Aubrey sleeps in, Katelynn and I take a little trip to the 7-11 for a drink, some muffins and then off to the Market. She gets to pick out a fruit that we make a dessert with and then I let her pic k out a vegetable that she may want to try. My Kiki is a creature of habit though and she usually picks out cherry tomatoes that she just about finished off before we get home.

Here she is with her blackberries and cherry tomatoes.

(Summer List, going to Farmer's Market....CHECK!!)

We also stop by Sunflower Market on Saturday mornings. She likes it because they have little shopping carts.

 On our list of things to do we decided to Create A Silly Holiday and Katelynn picked out Silly Sock Day!! So that morning we put on our silliest socks and rocked them all day long. (In all honesty, Katelynn rocked them all day long. Mommy had to head off to work but I slipped them on before I walked back into the door and Aubrey doesn't really wear socks like Katelynn does, so her's was a Silly Sock Hour, maybe.)  Anyways, Summer List check number 9.

And out Summer List check 10 was a FAIL!!

Glow in the Dark bubbles, sounds fun right? And easy. It was. Dollar Store bubbles, Dollar Store glow sticks, that's what $3?

But it just didn't happen. The spots they made on the concrete glowed, but that was about it. No problems though. It's still a CHECK!