Katelynn is 3 years and 5 mos.
She is ahh-mazing! Katelynn is a great big sister. She takes care of Aubrey. Teaches her new words, everyone's name and is working on teaching Aubrey her colors. She is also the one heard screaming throughout the day "I don't like it when you hit!" or "I don't like it when you head butt." She is a great big sister, but she is also a sibling and they tend to quarrel.
She is also a great cousin to Noah. She loves that little boy!!
Reading to Noah in "the tent"
She ran in her first race in April. The Princess Race. She really enjoyed it. She loved that it was just her and Mommy.
Aubrey was there to cheer us on but wasn't old enough to participate. Nanaw and Pop and Aunt Julie also came to watch her run. She loved all the attention.

I love that they gave them the paper numbers. So cute!!
I carried her on my shoulders a good deal of the race but I made sure she crossed the finish line on her own two feet.
Here she is with her medal. Go Kiki!!
She has also discovered Lucky Charms cereal. This cereal was my little brother's favorite.
And Katelynn found it and now she is in love. We have many morning conversations that start with her explaining her love for the lucky charms and proceeds to her pleading with me that I will make sure she is the only kid who gets to eat the cereal and that I will make sure no other children eat too much of her cereal. This conversation usually ends when her bowl is empty, of the marshmallow pieces, that is. Like Kris, she doesn't much care for the "cereal' portion, it is the marshmallows that hold the key to her heart.
Katelynn is also becoming quite the little cut-up. She loves making funny faces and laughing as loud as she can. She thinks she is pretty funny, and I must admit that most of the time she is.
Aubrey Barrett is 1 year and 8 mos. She is my "Mess". She is the sweetest baby and her eyes will break your heart. She is talking so much now. She says, I love you, thank you, you're welcome, bless you, bye bye, not yet, excuse me, Beat Band, hi baby, ........just about everything you say, she'll repeat. She also can sing Happy Birthday and Farmer in the Dell all by herself. She doesn't even need you to sing with her, she does it all on her own. She is Katelynn's little Monkey See... whatever Kiki does, Aubrey does. Even if Katelynn trips, Aubrey will lay down on the ground beside her. I am not sure that we will be able to have the pacifier away from Aubrey before she is 2, she is a bit more attached to it than Katelynn was. Oh well, if that is all I have to worry about, then I am ok with that.
This is my Aubrey. My spirited little girl.
She loves her babies. She loves pushing them in the stroller, dressing them in old onesies and rocking them to sleep. She is gonna be a good little momma one of these days.
This is her newest "face". She puts her hands on her hips, puckers her lips and humphs.... I asked her who taught her to do that and she said "Lolli." This kids cracks me up!!
She loves playing outside. Sidewalk chalk and being outdoors, two of her favorite things right now!
Oh, and baths. She loves the bubble baths. (especially when she gets to take them by herself and doesn't have to share.) =)
Uncle Paul:
A couple of HUGE things happened since I last posted. The biggest one was my brother Paul returned home from Afghanistan!!
We were all so excited for him to get back home. Katelynn missed him so much and Aubrey really got to know him just by listening to us talk about him. But now she loves her Paul!!
Everyone waited and waited for him to get home. We all went to the armory to wait for his bus.
I was so excited for him to see Angela and Noah. I had him picked out of the crowd and followed him when they were finally dismissed. He headed off in the wrong direction, so I couldn't help myself, I started yelling his name. It seemed like forever before he reached Noah.
But this is exactly what I wanted to see.....
Big event Number 2, Getting to meet Ridgley!!
Kris, Miriam and Ridgley came to Oklahoma to see Paul and show off my newest little nephew!
Katelynn was in love instantly!!
Ridgley Hayes is such a cute little guy, And such a good baby. He just sat there and took in all the craziness that is his family.
My Baby Bro with his Baby, melts your heart.
Here is the whole Crew........
Easter was fun this year. For some reason the dyeing of the eggs was not as exciting as it was last year. It ended up being me doing all the dyeing and then when everything was finished, Katelynn came up to inspect the eggs. (Actually she just smelled them. I am not sure why, but she put her nose to the eggs and took a big whiff......silly girl.)
Saturday night we had dinner with Brian's side of the family. Aunt Julie and Tim and Aunt Emily and Jason were there along with Aunt Joanna and Grandma Owana. Lolli fixed an amazing meal, as usual and the girls entertained us for the evening.
Katelynn had a bit of a surprise for Pop and Aunt Julie. Fake eggs filled with confetti. She thought she was pretty sneaky.....
That evening we set out carrots and orange juice for the Easter Bunny.
Sunday morning Katleynn woke up very excited to see what the Bunny had left her.
I believe she was a bit disappointed. She told me that the Easter Bunny didn't leave very many toys. I then had to explain the HUGE difference between the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause.
She was excited that there was a hoola hoop (or as Kiki calls it, a hoola poop) for her.
Aubrey tore into the candy and was on a Reeses peanut butter egg high so not many pictures were snapped of her.
Next we left for Church.
Such a good lookin' bunch.
After Church it was a quick lunch and then we started getting everything ready for the trek to Okarche and the Annual Baustert Easter Egg Hunt!!
I knew it would be fun this year. Katelynn was looking forward to the egg hunt and Aubrey would be able to get involved this year.
So we headed to Aunt Sharon's with baskets in tow.
This year the "Big Boys" weren't too excited about hiding all the eggs. We are definitely going to have to do something fun for them next year.
And they are off.........
Katelynn headed off by herself....
It took Aubrey a second, but she figured out what was going on quickly.
Finding the mother load under the trampoline.
Aubrey doesn't keep her eyes on the ground, Oh no, she knows to look up high also.
It was Noah's first Easter Egg Hunt and he got in on the action too.
I love this guy's expressions. He is such a cutie!!
So handsome!!
The grandkids got to spend a lot of time with Grandpa BB, and he got to spend a lot of time with the swings.....
BB and Aubrey on the swings.
BB doing double duty.
And once again this year, the ladybugs were everywhere. It was really neat to watch them this year. We saw some coming out of the cocoon. I had no idea they did that!!
To new beginnings......