Katelynn's first birthday is rapidly approaching. I cannot believe it is already almost here. I am so excited for it but I am also not ready for it to happen. It is all going by so fast. I am so excited for this momentous occasion but then I am a little upset that my baby is going to be 1 year old. So to keep my mind off being sad, I am just focusing on getting her parties put together. (Yes, I said parties!) So I have picked out her theme, Lady Bugs, and now it is time to get all the decorations and invitations and cakes and goodies picked out/ordered/prepared. I have a wonderful friend, S, who has the best ideas and advice when it come to parties for the little divas/girls. She has been so helpful and will probably be even more helpful when it gets closer and I start to freak. =) S is incredibly talented and has created a birthday banner for K. She completed it today and ran it by my office. It is the cutest thing ever!!!! It will be used for every one of Katelynn's birthdays. Each year I will add another candle to it and the material of the candle will somehow reflect the theme for that year's birthday. Year one, S gave me a lady bug candle. I love it!! You are also supposed to attach the ribbons from her presents to the hanger. This is going to be so neat for Katelynn to have for every birthday and when she gets older she can look back on it and hopefully remember some wonderful times with friends and family. Thank you so much S! (She has tons of great things!! Check her out on www.atadsassy.blogspot.com. She is more than just a tad sassy, that is why I lurve her!!)