Yes, we ventured out Thursday night to opening day of the State Fair. (It was also $1 admission night. CRAZY!!) We went out because Jamey Johnson was having a free concert. We got to the fairgrounds around 6:30 and by 7:15 we were inside the gates. It took FOREVER to park because of the copius amounts of fair goers and the wet weather. The parking lots looked like small lakes. But we made it inside and headed to the Toyota stage to see the concert. Katelynn enjoyed the show. She clapped when everyone else did and danced at the beginning of each song. One couple even commented on her clapping. (She then decided to show them her other trick and waved goodbye. They thought it was pretty funny.) Afterwards the three of us set off to find some good fair food. By that time K had fallen asleep so she missed out on the Famous Pulled Pork Sandwich B picked and the Pancho Dog that I choose. Since she was sleeping so soundly, B and I decided to split some curly fries (my idea) with chili and cheese (B's idea). We porbably won't make it out to the fair again this year, work and football tends to take up most of our time, but we had a good night as a family.

Katelynn's first picture at the fair. And I won't lie to you, there is a little bit of fear in her eyes.

Daddy and K at the entrance to the Fair.

Family Portrait at the JJ concert. (Nice lady offered to take our picture. She didn't say she would center it, just take it!!) =)
I usually have a little fear in my eyes at the state fair, too. I feel ya, K.