on all that been happening around the Bateman house. Actually, a lot has been happening, but none of it is really BIG news. The weather has been pretty crazy and keeping us on our toes, but luckily we haven't had any damage. It has been keeping us in the house more than little Miss K would like, but we have pulled our chairs out onto the front porch a couple of times and watched it rain. (She doesn't understand why we can't walk up and down the sidewalk while it is raining so that leads to a bit of a tantrum, but we can usually divert her attention before it gets out of control.)

We have been having picnics inside with her new table and we
even had a picnic in the livingroom with the whole family on Friday night. That turned into K crawling up on the table and under the "picnic blanket" pretending she was the baby going night night, so daddy had to join in on that fun.
Katelynn also decided to try and style her own hair one afternoon. I watched her in her room rubbing her head, but I thought she was just pretending (she always does this). That was until I saw her pick up the jar of Vaseline. YUCK!! It took five (5) shampoos and a vigorous head rubbing with a towel by daddy to get it all out.

And like I mentioned before, there was a lot of looking out the windows and watching the storms. (Sorry Gary England, I know you said to stay away from the windows, but that is just too darn hard!)
Well, that's really been our week in a nutshell. No names for the new baby, we haven't started on K's big girl room or the "renovations" to the nursery, so no big news on that front. I am going to leave you with a picture of my two most favorite people in the world and hope everyone has a great week. How can you NOT have a great week after seeing these two smiles?!

Awww cute pictures! That vaseline shot is cracking me up! About a year from now I fully expect to see her doing the same thing to 'tis :)