We would head out in the mornings to hit the grocery store or Hobby Lobby or TJ Maxx. (I love it when I tell Katelynn we are going to TJ Maxx, she always asks if we are going to go to TJ Ruby next. Max & Ruby.... the cartoon, so funny!!)
So on Sunday we headed out to the grocery store to start buying some necessities for Uncle Paul while he is in Afghanistan. Katelynn can say where he is going, it is too cute!! He is going to be roughing it (probably the understatement of the YEAR) for a while so we want to help him out just a bit. Katelynn picked out a card for him. She loves buying cards!! And we got him some stuff to get him started. I am going to try to use my coupons and the CVS/Walgreens sales to get him most of what he needs. We'll see how that goes. But we are off to a promising start:

On Monday we loaded up and Nana, Katleynn, Aubrey and I hit the Edmond LibertyFest Parade!! It was really really nice. I can't believe that we had never been before, but we will definitely be doing this again. We will need to get there a bit earlier next time, 30 min just didn't get us the good seats. But at least they didn't toss candy cause Katelynn wouldn't have been able to get any. I was glad I didn't have to explain that to her. Aubrey had a great time cause she likes to wave bye-bye now. So when she saw someone waving, she jumped right in!! Unfortunately my camera wasn't charged so I had to rely on my phone. Oh well, at least I got some pictures.

Aubrey's First Independence Day and First Parade. (I took this picture while I was holding her, not too easy to do!)

While all of this is going on........

Katelynn is window shopping. At an Antique Store no less. That's my girl!!!


Dancing to the Marching Band!

Even the Star Wars characters were at the parade. (This one is for Uncle Paul!!)
After the parade we headed home to grill out lunch. YUMMO!!! Fresh corn on the grill.

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!!
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