It was a hot afternoon, but thankfully we had a pool to cool off in. Well, most of us had a pool. There were a few of us who were unable to partake of the relaxing/refreshing pool. They had little ones to take care of and me, well, I just won't go swimming in front of that many people. My issues, so I am not complaining about the heat. (At least not out loud!!)
But other than that, the party was PERFECT in my opinion. I got to see family and some really good friends. We got to sit around and talk, well as much as you can sit around and talk when there are small children trying to get/keep your attention. =)
The food was great! The cupcakes were ah-mazing! And the beverages were cold!
Aubrey received so many wonderful gifts that I felt the need to order equally wonderful Thank You notes for her to send out.
She had a good time with her smash cake and collapsed into a sugar induced coma on the way home that evening.
Unfortunately, I am not all that skilled at taking pictures, hosting a party, and enjoying a party so I do not have all that many pics to share.
I didn't even get pictures of her cupcakes, her decorations or anything like that. Bad Mommy!!
Oh well, might just have to re-create it one of these weekends. ;)

It took me forever, mostly because of procrastinating, but I finally finished A's Birthday Banner the day before her party.
It looks OK. Hey, I can honestly say I made it, every bit of it. every single mistake is mine and every single mistake was made with LOVE!!
Her is a picture of A's Thank You bags. We had cookies made by Ruth's Sweet Justice and they had her initial on them or fondant cherries. So cute and very yummy!! The tags were made for me by Sweet Papers. She did Aubrey's invitations and then made these as cupcake toppers. Since I didn't need the toppers, I used them as bag tags and I also am going to use them as stickers on her Thank Yous. Elizabeth is amazing and so helpful! I love working with her. (She also did Katelynn's invites 2, count them, 2 years ago!!) I found her on etsy and I am so glad I did!!
Some of the Water Babies having fun. OK, Noah didn't get to get into the pool. Hence the tears. Poor Noah!! =(
The Birthday Girl and Aunt Emily!
Aubrey and her Smash Cake!! Also from Ruth's Sweet Justice.
And this is the Present Opening Portion of the party in a nutshell; Katelynn opening the gifts and Aubrey on Mr. Steve's lap!! I don't think she realized these gifts were for her!! She'll figure that out soon enough.

Here are the cupcakes and they were so good!! My Friend L made them (I had to steal this pic from her FaceBook page) and they were vanilla with cream cheese frosting. They matched the red & aqua & cherry theme we had going. They were perfect!!
If you want good local cupcakes at a great price, I'll send you her info!!
I hope Miss Aubrey had a great birthday. I know she did!!
She loved all the attention (she told me that) and she loved spending it with people who are so important to her and her parents.
Thank you all for all your help with the party. You made it so special for a special Little Lady.
See you all in November!!! =)