The girls were going to paint the bathroom tonight!
(OK, hopefully not. But I did want them to have a little bit of fun.)
I was a little uneasy when mixing the shaving cream. I thought it might break down and become runny, but it didn't, and my colors were not as vibrant as the picture that I pin'd but I was too nervous to add MORE food color. That stuff stains, right?
By the time I got both girls into the bath and all the stuff passed out, the cream was a bit brighter. (Also, the color rises to the top. Once you get that first layer off, the shaving cream is very pale.)
Aubrey wanted nothing to do with it. Well, that is not true, she wanted to eat it!!
But she is not liking baths all that much right now, so after about 3 minutes, she wanted out!!
Katelynn was OK with that. She had more room to paint and twice as much paint as she would have had a few minutes earlier.
She loved it. She painted our walls (tile) which are not white or sealed so I had to put a stop to that almost instantly. If that grout ended up green, Brian would have killed me.
So I suggested that she "paint" on the tub. She did.
She painted robots, and her toy box and then every toy in her toy box. People, that is a lot of toys!!
I did notice that when she got the paint on her body and left it there, it would stain. But it didn't bother any of the other surfaces. And the tub is very very clean now.
We did have to change out the water a time or two. It got pretty yucky looking.
After K's bath she told me that the paints were a "very good idea".
Thanks Katie Bug!! I love you, too!!
That looks like an absolutely fantastic project! I love it!