Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ultrasound Says.....

Brian and Charlie will remain the only men in the house for now! I was actually surprised when they said girl. I really thought this time around was so different that is had to be a boy. But I always kept going back to a girl. We are both so excited and happy. Two precious little girls that will grow up to be best friends. I could not wish for anything more for my children. Dr. said the ultrasound was "perfect". (His word!!) Everything looks great, nothing suspicious. So he did not put us down for any more ultrasounds or tests. That was such a relief. I couldn't relax until I heard that. Now it is time to get K's new big girl room started. I am so happy K is getting the "new" room. She deserves it!
Here are the pictures from today. The first is "Tis" looking straight at you and the second is the "money shot." The third picture is her foot and the fourth is her profile. Brian and I both made the comment that she looks so much like Katelynn did at that age. Ah, sisters. =)

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Little This, A Little That.....

I have a recording of K talking and it is so stinkin' cute!! I have been trying to get it loaded onto the blog but it won't work so I really don't have much to share. We have been trying to go out and play outside a lot more since the weather has been cooperating, well except for this weekend. She loves it outside. It is a bit difficult getting her to go back int he house, but she usually cooperates. Last week it took a couple of extra trips to the back yard and finally a snack on the back porch before I convinced her being in the house wasn't that bad.

We have been having a a bit of a problem with K sleeping through the night. It was only a couple of weeks and we seem to be back on track (knock on wood) but for a while there we were taking a couple of extra naps or longer naps during the afternoon. She started
really getting comfortable is Daddy's chair, so much that she chased him out of it a couple of times. Oh to be able to sleep like that

Not much else is going on. The next week is going to be fun filled. K's aunts and her uncles are coming to town so she is going to be spending lots of time with family. And we have a big Easter Egg hunt planned with the Baustert Family. GOOD TIMES!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Fancy was her name!

Little K loves to get new outfits. And her grandparents (grandmoms!!) never leave her wanting or needing for a new outfit. B and I decided to head out last Thursday and go grab a burger. K loves to go out to restaurants. It is getting a little more difficult the older she gets because she loves to walk around the restaurants and "greet" the other patrons and normally get in the way of the wait staff. Oh well, she is cute and can normally get away with it, especially when she is all dressed up! Here she is before we headed out the door to eat at Ron's. (YUMM!! RON's!!) Of course, she had to have the church directory to look over on the way. Our little ROCKSTAR!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our Newest (and most exciting) Purchase for Lil' Miss Katelynn....

Well, this is not including the gazillion summer outfits my Mom showed up with this morning for Katelynn but Brian and I had to get her a new book!!

She is pretty excited with it, well, at least I think she is! B and I are very excited. We are going to welcome the next Bateman into the family sometime at the end of August. We are referring to him/her as "Tis" until the 30th of this month. (Katelynn was "Little Bit" for 9 months!)That is when we find out if we are going to have a little boy or be able to re-use all of K's clothes and welcome another little girl. Everything is going great so far. I am 15 weeks today. We have already had 2 ultrasounds (oh the joy of being of "mature age") and everything has looked great!!
We are again the 5th couple in our Sunday School class to bring a baby into 2010. If you are thinking about getting pregnant, give me a call, I have the BEST Sunday School class for you. =)
Here is a pic of Tis at 10 weeks. (The 12 week 4D image isn't loading. =P ) Enjoy and keep us in your thoughts and prayers.