Monday, July 26, 2010

The Last Month in a Nutshell Part III

Here are a few more moments:

Katelynn has this love of toothpaste. She loves to brush her teeth but I think she loves the toothpaste more. Here she loves it not only on her toothbrush but also covering her entire leg!! BATH TIME!!!!

She is also getting used to her potty. She has actually used it a couple of times, but nothing to get too excited about. Here she has decided that it is a good place to rest while she applies her lipstick.

No wonder she smells like sunscreen for days after she's been swimming!!

We are getting ready for Baby Sister to arrive. (She is feeding her Cabbage Patch Baby, Marilyn Mandy. Nope, the names aren't getting any better!!)

We still have so many more cute pics of The Bug but this will have to do for now. I promise, next time there won't be such a long time between posts!!

The Last Month in a Nutshell Part II

And now K loves the water hose......

K has been spending the last few Saturdays in the pool with Daddy. She has had a great time and is getting more and more comfortable with the water. (That's a good thing, right?) =)

The Last Month in a Nutshell Part I

So I am going to post as many "happenings" and pics of Katelynn as I can. Unfortunately, I have let the blog and it's "fans" (hee hee) down. So here we go.........
Brian started work on Katelynn's "Big Girl Room". We all went out to dinner and then headed to Home Depot to pick out the paint. Katelynn loved all the paint samples and has decided that Home Depot is one of her favorite-est places to be. She loves it there!!
She decided that she would help Daddy tape off the room.
What a good helper!!

And she's done!! Hey, she helped a little bit.

We are almost finished with her Big Girl Room but I will have to post pictures of that later. The same with Tis' room. We are st
ill doing a little here and there but once it is done, I will put up pics.

For the Fourth of July we all went to Lolli and Pop's for dinner. Aunt Julie and Aunt Emmy were in town and we had a blast!! Towards the end of the night Katelynn had Julie reading book after book. They are now best friends forever!!

Uncle Kris came back to town for his birthday and introduced Katelynn to the water hose...

To be continued.......

Quick Update.....

OK, OK, I know I have been slacking on this blog thing. I have meant to update it numerous times, but then it gets pushed to the back burner. We have so many cute and fun things that are going on right now but it seems we are doing the fun things instead of writing about them. So I am going to try and update this thing TODAY.
In the weeks since June 30, here is what I have been doing.......... growing a baby!!
Baby Tis has gone from 3.3 pounds and 16" to 5.25 pounds and 18". Fat is accumulating under her skin and her skeleton is hardening. I am putting in extra time making sure her central nervous system and her lungs are still maturing. (Let me tell you, that in itself is exhausting!!) I finally finished all it took to get her kidneys developed and her liver is starting to process. Right now, just like her momma, her physical development is over and we are just putting on weight.
(Brian, I hope you are laughing right now. this is what the past 8 months have been like for B. When he asks me what I did at work I usually answer with "oh, I just worked on Tis' brain and her tastebuds today, no biggee." I am lucky he hasn't booted me out of the house, yet.)

4 weeks from today people!! Four weeks from right now we should have a baby that is 4 hours old, how surreal. Will post the Katie Bug updates after lunch!