Monday, June 21, 2010

DAD Pictures

For Father's Day I decided to give photography a shot and take pics of Katelynn for Brian. I had her hold the letters to spell out Dad and then framed them for B. I thought they would look fabulous on his desk at work!! We went out on thursday and took a few pictures and then tried to find a frame they would fit in. Of course, my favorite pictures were going the wrong direction for the frame and then in all the "good" pictures she was holding a D and couldn't find an A anywhere. But after all was said and done, I think they turned out just great. I mean, have you ever seen a bad picture of Katelynn? I didn't think so. =) After I was feeling a little discouraged I went to Walgreen's to pick up the pictures and they actually asked me for the Copyright release for the pictures. I was flattered that they thought these were professionally taken, but I will give that credit to the Mac computer. There are some really neat effects you can apply to your pictures. I hope everyone had a great Father's Day!!

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